Problems 😫

What things led to the creation of a standard module system for Javascript?

💥 Scope collisions inside Scripts

When a script tag is loaded in browser and executed, by default it's globally scoped.

For example: if 2 scripts Script 1 and Script 2 are loaded on a page like this,

  <!-- Script 1 -->
    let name = 'Sidharth';
    let details = { name };

    console.log('In Script 1', name, details);

  <!-- Script 2 -->
    console.log('In Script 2', name, details);

They have access to each other's variable scopes. In other words, there is no encapsulation.

🛠 Code maintainabilty

Before modules were introduced, there wasn't really a standard way to organise bigger codebases.

Most developers would do one of these 2 things to solve this,

  • Link a single huge script file.

  • Link multiple script tags for every script, this brought it's own set of problems.

For example if the order of 2 script tags which may depend on each other gets changed.

Your app could crash.

⚡️ Performance

Whatever you wrote. Goes to the client.

In short if you write some logic which might be unused, it would stay there and just get shipped to the client, this caused many performance issues as it slowed down the initial page loads.

I can go on for longer, but I think all these points, prove the need of a module format.