A hacky solution (IIFE) 🫣

Out of all the problems I talked about, the most non-trivial one is the Scope collisions

Developers introduced one hacky trick to provide script encapsulation, using IIFEs or Immediately invoked function expressions

But WTF is an IIFE? 🙄

It's basically this thing,

(function () {
  console.log("I'm a IIFE");

A function which is executed as soon as it's created. That's what an IIFE is.

But how does this solve our problem?

If you know anything about variable scoping in Javascript, you might recall this.

Anything that's created inside a function, is LIMITED to that function only

It's variable scope can't be accessed by anything outside that function.

Applying this fix to our previous code.

  <!-- Script 1 -->
    (function () {
      let name = 'Sidharth';
      let details = { name };

      console.log('In Script 1', name, details);

  <!-- Script 2 -->
    (function () {
      console.log('In Script 2', name, details);


Even though this solves one main problem, and this is how many tools tried to tackle this for a long time. It's not an ideal solution.

And we still got 2 problems left.