A Real Module format 🧐

Common JS or CJS for short, was the first real module format which got adopted by the JS community.

Alot of people think Ryan Dahl was the creator of Common JS as it was widely used inside Node JS apps, But that's not true.

Common JS was started by A Mozilla engineer Kevin Dangoor in January 2009.

Node just adopted that module format. It didn't create it.


Please note: To run the code examples on your own, you will need Node JS on your machine. If you don't have it installed, you can get it from here, Download Node JS


This is how you share code in CJS:

Script 1 (Creator)

function sayHello(firstname) {
  console.log('Hey there ', firstname);

module.exports = sayHello;

Script 2 (Consumer)

const sayhello = require('./script-1');


In the above code, Script 1 creates and exposes sayHello function, which is later required by Script 2 and then executed.

🔍 Few important points

We will deep dive into these points with real code examples, in the workshop.

  • Any file by the name index is treated as the root (top level file).
  • It's loaded and parsed synchronously.
  • Optionally you can omit the file extension like .js, the require function will automatically try to find the file.
  • Files are required once and cached.
  • CJS will not work in the browser. It will have to be transpiled and bundled.